Monday, 2 March 2009

Horror Themed Flash Project - Designs.

For the second semester we were given a 6 week group flash project with the theme “Horror”. We were to work in pairs and I will be working with Charlotte, you can find her blog her:
Dave (our lecturer) gave each group two words each to give us some sort of “restriction”. We were given the words “Rusty Sculpture” and “Angry Tech Support Customer” Yeah, I know – the angry tech support customer was a mean one.
Me and Charlotte started off with brainstorming some ideas, we came up with:

1.Fat alien crashes into a palace owned by a clown who has big sculptures that come alive (Very random, She wanted an alien and I wanted a clown, but where is the angry tech support customer?)
2.Angry ghost possesses rusty armour and wants refund on the armour. (this was aimed to be a humorous)
3.Set in tech office, angry tech support customer wants to kill the tech guy (he spoke to behind the phone) Rusty sculpture on desk.
4.(The Idea we went for) Swimming pool setting, Rusty sculpture is a cursed and is killing people through tech issues, Manager = Angry tech support customer.
We then decided to google “Ways to kill people” which was amusing. So after researching a few ways to kill people via tech issues we dished out the work, I was to be in charge of designing the angry tech support customer (yay) and Charlotte was to design the sculpture.

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